Performance & Utilization Link 16 Signal Energy - Monitor
The World's Only True TSDF Monitor
PULSE-M is a pulse density monitor specifically designed to monitor Link16 Networks and ensure adherence to all TFA/PFAs, network density, and non-interference to any aids to navigation.
Please contact us for a PULSE-M data sheet

Designed to monitor networks and provide End Users, Network Designers, and Monitoring
Agencies digital proof of precise network performance.
No COMSEC, No Crypto, No Headaches
PULSE-M utilizes commercial hardware and commercial software algorithms to monitor the RF spectrum. The system is not a Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI) and does not use or require crypto, meaning the systems can be easily stored, transported, and operated.
Monitor Potential Interference at or Near Aids to Navigation
Timber Sweet’s algorithms are designed to monitor down to the lowest level transmission and alert End Users if there is any potential interference at or near aid to navigation, or any other, sensitive equipment/location.
Detect Rogue Networks and Users
By monitoring live pulses, PULSE-M allows Operators and Network Designers to compare true, real world activity, against traditional Network Monitoring tools and identify and correct; rogue users, split networks, missing network participants & other anomalies.
Easy and Fast Set-Up/Deployment
The PULSE-M system is single man portable and can be set up and operational within 5 minutes.